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What Does It Mean To Be Best For The World?

What Does It Mean To Be Best For The World?

Meliora Cleaning Products recognized as a “Best For The World” B Corp for exceptional community impact in Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, IL; September 4, 2019 – Meliora Cleaning Products, a Certified B Corporation, has been named a Best For The World honoree in recognition of their significant positive impact on their community and for how they’ve built this level of care for their community into their business model. [Click here for the full press release]

So, What Does This Mean?

As a Certified B Corporation, we measure our business in lots of different ways to ensure we're actually operating under a triple-bottom-line mindset. As Best For The World - Community, we've scored in the top 10% of ALL B Corps around the world for our impact on our community. When a group of companies includes Patagonia, Warby Parker, and the amazing Greyston Bakery, that's an achievement we don't take lightly!

There are 2 key areas we're most proud of for our impact, as measured in our community.

  • Giving Back: As members of 1% for the Planet, we've committed to give at least 1% of our sales revenue to planet-friendly causes. We've worked with amazing groups like Women's Voices for the Earth for years because we LOVE what they do! However, as a company, we've doubled that challenge and give TWO percent of our annual sales revenues to planet-friendly orgaizations and causes.
  • Voting With Our Wallet: We always say you vote every day with your wallet at home, but that also applies in the office. Through our operations and production spending, we do our best to work with companies that are local to us here in Chicago and the Great Lakes region. About two-thirds of our spending has been within this area. By working with local suppliers, we've strengthened the businesses and communities around us.

We're proud of the work we've done, but realize we can't sit back and bask in our success for too long. Our President, Mike, says “It’s an honor to be recognized as Best For The World. However, the only way to be the best is to strive to get better each day. To remain one of the best, we’ll have to continue to push ourselves – and our fellow Certified B Corporations – to improve on our positive impact on the communities around us."