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Certified Woman-Owned Business

WBENC offers the most recognized and respected national certification for women-owned businesses.

WBENC Certified Women-Owned Business logo

WBENC certified since 2020

The Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) certifies businesses owned and operated by women. We recognize the commitment to supplier diversity that is embraced by corporations and government agencies and we are proud to be a woman-owned business.

Women-Owned Business Certification Process

The WBENC certification process validates that a business is primarily owned and operated by a woman or women. It involves a rigorous vetting process that begins with a review of documents related to ownership, financial structure, personnel, management, and governance. Once documentation meets the certification criteria, a Regional Partner Organization conducts a site visit interview with the female owner or owners. Because the process is so thorough, WBENC certification is considered the premiere standard for women-owned business certification in the United States.

Certified women-owned businesses “gain access to a vast network of support, including targeted business opportunities for certified women-owned firms, increased visibility in corporate and government supply chains, education and development programs to spur growth and increase capacity, and networking and mentorship opportunities with thousands of women entrepreneurs and those who support them,” according to WBENC.


The Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) is a leading non-profit organization dedicated to helping women-owned businesses thrive. Its mission is to “fuel economic growth globally by identifying, certifying, and facilitating the development of women-owned businesses.” WBENC offers numerous programs, events, and resources in addition to certification.

Explore certified Women-Owned Businesses.

Supporting Women-Owned Businesses

Meliora Cleaning Products is a woman-owned, family-owned small business that started as a project to create better cleaning products for people and the planet. We value our WBENC certification as a way to reach people who want to support women entrepreneurs and women-owned businesses. It also helps corporate and government decision-makers seeking to diversify their supply chains by sourcing from women- and minority-owned companies.

Read more from WBENC

Here is a collection of useful resources from WBENC to help you learn more about women-owned business certification.