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Chemical Policy

As a company dedicated to transparency around the products used in your home, we've released our Chemical Policy for your review. This policy governs our decisions about what chemicals we use. 

For questions or clarifications regarding our Chemical Policy, feel free to contact us at any time. 

1. Intent

At Meliora, we aim to manufacture high-performing products made with chemicals and materials that do not harm human health or the environment. The purpose of this policy is to direct Meliora’s actions toward meeting this intention.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all products manufactured and sold under the brand name Meliora Cleaning Products. Beginning in 2020, the scope of our chemical policy also includes the primary packaging of our products.

3. Supply Chain Transparency

To make informed decisions about chemicals use, we must have information on the chemicals used in manufacturing our products.  We therefore purchase ONLY from suppliers that disclose full chemical ingredient information to Meliora or to our third party ingredient screening teams Suppliers must demonstrate that chemicals restricted by our company are not present over identified thresholds.

4. Safer Chemistry

Our goal is to manufacture products that perform effectively and use safer chemicals and materials across the life cycle of our products. To reach this goal, we go beyond the identification and reduction of the use of chemicals of high concern, and work to replace them with safer alternatives. We will actively screen ingredients to approve them for use in our products.

5. Informed Consumers

Our goal is to maintain consumer confidence in the products we sell by providing meaningful and easily accessible product composition information. We will disclose all ingredient information on the packaging of the products we sell, and also on our website so customers can make an informed decision at the point of purchase.

6. Public Commitment

We will set annual objectives for safer chemical use and be transparent about our objectives. We will make this policy available to the public and publicly report on our progress in regular status reports.  We follow a philosophy of continuous improvement and will update our objectives as we meet specified milestones.

 Published January 1, 2019 internally
Published October 16, 2019 publicly
updated May 19, 2020

Note on the format of this policy: This policy was written to follow, at minimum, the BizNGO Chemicals Policy Template for Manufacturers and Brands (Rev 12-15-2018). Meliora would like to thank BizNGO for providing the template for use.