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"Deep Clean"-ing Our Ingredient Screening And Disclosure Practices

"Deep Clean"-ing Our Ingredient Screening And Disclosure Practices

Have you seen the Deep Clean report and recommendations from Women's Voices for the Earth? The report rates four major cleaning product manufacturers on their Product Ingredient Disclosure, Responsiveness to Consumer Concerns, Toxic Chemical Screening Process and Removal of WVE’s Chemicals of Concern. It's an amazing peek into the good, the bad, and the ugly of ingredients in cleaning products. 


The authors are a group of extremely smart people that care deeply about ingredient integrity and transparency in consumer products. We like to think the same things about ourselves, so we are launching a self-investigation of our own operations against the recommendations in the report. We are creating a checklist of individual best practices and recommendations based on the report, and we'll explain exactly where we are at present and what we are doing to meet each recommendation. It's part of our commitment to ingredient integrity and transparency, we're really happy that WVE has created these recommendations. We hold ourselves to a high standard but we know there are areas we can do better. Stay tuned to the blog and our newsletter, we'll be sharing the results!