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Partner We Love: Women’s Voices for the Earth

Partner We Love: Women’s Voices for the Earth

Part of our approach to sustainable business is partnering with amazing organizations that are working to make the world a better place. One of these is Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE).

WVE is committed to amplifying women’s voices to eliminate toxic chemicals that harm our health and communities. They have inspired us and we hope they will inspire you to help contribute to their mission to create a less toxic and thriving world!

What is Women’s Voices for the Earth?

WVE is a woman founded and operated organization that is driven to campaign against the use of toxic chemicals in products that are heavily marketed towards, and used by, women. 

Their website is a powerful resource for those who want to know more about what is in their day to day products and to learn more about how to avoid toxic products. There are fact sheets to help in educating the public and even non-toxic DIY recipes

WVE is also at the forefront of bringing women together, providing resources on how to get involved in changing the toxic landscape that is cleaning products, feminine hygiene products and beauty products. Their site is a place to learn how to take that first step towards helping create a safer and healthier community and planet for people, especially women, of all ages.

WVE History

Women’s Voices for the Earth was founded in 1995 and is run by women who are committed to creating change and uplift connections between gender, health, class, race and the environment.

WVE leads thousands of advocates across the country to invoke change. Together, they have helped pass bills to make companies disclose ingredients, organize rallies and campaigns and so much more.

The Vision Behind WVE

WVE’s vision is to have a world where the earth is taken care of, its people are treated fairly and that toxic chemicals no longer have a place in our homes, communities or our environment. Through bringing women together and amplifying their voices, WVE pledges to create positive change for women and the environment. 

We are proud to be a part of WVE and to share our standards with the women of the world to help ensure a toxic-free future.

Meliora Cleaning Products donates to Women’s Voices for the Earth as part of our membership in 1% for the Planet, and our commitment to donating 2% of annual sales revenue to environmental and sustainability-focused causes and organizations.