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Company News - 2017 Goals: 6 Month Check-Up


It's hard to believe it's been over 6 months since 2017 started. We've been busy at all sorts of things this year. Some were amazing and fun, some where challenging, and some were downright exhausting. But here we are, halfway through the year. It's a perfect time to check in on how we're doing for our goals. Let's take a look:

Overall, we're doing pretty good. We knocked off our "Tours" goal already, but you're still more than welcome to stop in and check out what we do anytime. Send us a note and schedule a tour today!

Sales are up, and waste is down. We like this combination. We've noticed that it's WAY easier to reduce production waste as you grow. We're buying raw materials by the pallet and barrel instead of case and bucket.

Thanks to everyone who has told a friend or two about us. We've been working like crazy to get the word out about Meliora Cleaning Products, and there's NO WAY we could do what we've done without you. We've got some aggressive awareness goals for 2017, but think we can make it. 

Any questions or comments on our goals and what we've been up to in 2017? Let us know.

Have a great summer. You'll hear more about 2017 Goals later this fall.
