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5 Laundry Tips for Your Athletic Gear

5 Laundry Tips for Your Athletic Gear


Performance fabrics do a great job of keeping us cool while working out or doing yard work, but sometimes they result in your home smelling like a locker-room. While some people might like that smell, here’s a few ways to prevent it for those with a nose for a cleaner smelling home.

Air it Out!

Leaving a pile of sweaty clothes balled up after a workout is easy.  However, it’s also a breeding ground for bacteria, which is what causes that “locker-room” smell (especially those synthetic fabrics!).

Even if you’re not going to wash them right away, hang your workout clothes over the edge of the hamper (or washer) to let them air out. Your family (and houseguests) will thank you.

Say "NO" to Fragrance

    To make your clothes smell “clean”, scented detergents must leave something behind.  These residual fragrances can cause skin irritations and/or allergies. Switch to a synthetic fragrance- and dye-free alternative to keep your clothes fresh, clean, and working great.

    Less is More 

    More is better does not apply to laundry detergent!  Excess detergent lingers in your clothes, reducing wicking material performance and adding unnecessary weight.  In as little as 10 washes you can add 2% extra weight to your clothes – all in excess detergent. Next time you want to add some extra weight to your workout, use ankle weights instead of detergent-loaded socks.

    Skip the Softener

    Fabric softeners can gum up the wicking material of your favorite yoga pants or running shirts, keeping you sweatier and creating a great setup for bacteria growth.  To keep these fabrics performing at their best, eliminate the fabric softener. Instead, use ¼ cup of white vinegar in the rinse cycle.  This works as a people- and planet-friendly alternative to synthetic, fragrance-laden softeners.  Plus, vinegar breaks down completely in the wastewater process!

    Skip the Dryer

    We saved the easiest for last – hang dry your workout gear.  The performance fabrics in your favorite running shirt is made to dry quickly, and the high heat in dryers can break down fabrics, especially synthetic materials.

    Save the energy costs and keep your clothes in better shape by hanging them on a drying rack, doorknob, or back of your dining room chairs.  Plus, hang-drying in the dry winter months adds moisture to the air in your home for free.