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Health First Roadmap Preliminary Review - Category 3: Disclosure and Transparency

Health First Roadmap Preliminary Review - Category 3: Disclosure and Transparency

In June 2018, we committed to following the Health First Roadmap and are ready to share the preliminary results of our self-assessment.

The Health First Roadmap is published by Women’s Voices for the Earth and contains specific benchmarks for company performance in four categories:

  1. Chemicals Management
  2. Chemicals Assessment
  3. Disclosure/Transparency
  4. Industry Collaboration

We're sharing details about one Category each week. Check out the links above for more details on the other Categories. This week we'll discuss Disclosure and Transparency.

Health FIrst Roadmap - Category 2: Chemicals Assessment

Category: Transparency/Disclosure

Current State: COMPLIANCE   

Explanation for Current State

At present, we haven't published our company policy on chemicals and ingredient selection. We've been relying on our company's overall commitment to using safer ingredients rather than a concrete, specific policy.

We also currently rely on the MADE SAFE screening process, which was discussed last week, for communicating our own ingredient selection process.

We don't report publicly on adverse reactions or our system for cataloging them. We have not formally taken our company chemical footprint.

Next Steps:

We will begin by publicly disclosing more information about our current processes, beginning with our company policies. This information will be published on our company website and will be easy to access for interested consumers and NGOs interested in learning more about our chemicals process and policies.
After disclosing our current state, we will re-evaluate and determine what steps can be taken to make improvements.