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Subscriptions Now Available!

Subscriptions Now Available!

Ever wanted your Laundry Powder or your All-Purpose Home Cleaner Refill Tablets automatically delivered on a monthly basis? Well, we heard a lot of requests for this feature so we’re proud to announce that subscriptions are now live!

Meliora Cleaning Product subscriptions are completely flexible. You can skip a delivery, update your shipping address, cancel your subscription, or make lots of other adjustments to your subscription at any time. To say thanks for subscribing, all subscription orders receive 5% off!

We have created a how-to guide to show you how to access the many functionalities you get with your Meliora Cleaning Products subscription. The majority of these functions can be performed in your dedicated account area.

Create a Subscription

To create a subscription, simply visit any of our product pages* and:

  1. Choose “Subscribe & Save 5%
  2. Select the Size and Scent options you want to add to your subscription by clicking on the appropriate menu.
  3. Choose the frequency you want to receive your delivery, for example every 2 months
  4. Click on Add to Cart

This will take you to your cart page, where you can review your order, continue shopping, or proceed to the secure checkout.

*NOTE: Subscriptions are not available for seasonal products.

*NOTE: You are not able to combine other discounts with subscription orders.

Want to learn more about the specifics of our subscription feature? Check out our guide here!